Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Tips On Top Search Engine Optimization - SEO Services In Fresno, Bakersfield, Atascadero, Monterey, San Jose & Santa Cruz

The only way is up with these SEO tips !

Adding Search Engine Optimization - SEO - to your website marketing budget has become more and more important.  A new website and even old proven performers are  hustling to keep their websites up & on top in the first or even second page of this major search engine. Why Google - because they receive close to 70% of the Searches & 90% of the Mobile Searches.

Here is a quick check list of DO's                    and                        Don'ts

Your website must be accessed by mobile                           Repeat content on pages
(use our "How Google Views Your Site")                          
Use the http/2   for a boost on Google                                   Forget to clear up re-directs  

Your mobile user requires more space
between lines to open up your links                                      Small print or strange fonts

Hire a SEO person with good references                              Website creators do not                                                                                                                     always know how to do SEO 

One submit to Google or get dinged                                     Do not overly submit a web
 Their spiders come through 1 or 2 times a month            address - considered spam 

Your page Titles with marketing city/region                        Don't use general terms, be
included gains better visibility                                                Specific in page titles.

Google has begun REMOVING websites corrupted with Virus and SQL injections.

Information from..........Join In The Conversation at LocalSEOexpertsBiz.blogspot.com

Enjoy the tools & info on our website:  LocalSEOexperts.biz

How To Do Search Engine Optimization - SEO Tips For Websites In Sacramento Valley, Davis, Fairfield, Vacaville & Modesto & Central Valley

The only way is up with these SEO tips !

Adding Search Engine Optimization - SEO - to your website marketing budget has become more and more important.  A new website and even old proven performers are  hustling to keep their websites up & on top in the first or even second page of this major search engine. Why Google - because they receive close to 70% of the Searches & 90% of the Mobile Searches.

Here is a quick check list of DO's                    and                        Don'ts

Your website must be accessed by mobile                           Repeat content on pages
(use our "How Google Views Your Site")                          
Use the http/2   for a boost on Google                                   Forget to clear up re-directs  

Your mobile user requires more space
between lines to open up your links                                      Small print or strange fonts

Hire a SEO person with good references                              Website creators do not                                                                                                                     always know how to do SEO 

One submit to Google or get dinged                                     Do not overly submit a web
 Their spiders come through 1 or 2 times a month            address - considered spam 

Your page Titles with marketing city/region                        Don't use general terms, be
included gains better visibility                                                Specific in page titles.

Google has begun REMOVING websites corrupted with Virus and SQL injections.

Information from..........Join In The Conversation at LocalSEOexpertsBiz.blogspot.com

Enjoy the tools & info on our website:  LocalSEOexperts.biz

List of Tips For Strong Search Engine Optimization - SEO in San Francisco, Bay Area, Santa Rosa and the Sonoma & Napa Wine Country

            The only way is up with these SEO tips !

Adding Search Engine Optimization - SEO - to your website marketing budget has become more and more important.  A new website and even old proven performers are  hustling to keep their websites up & on top in the first or even second page of this major search engine. Why Google - because they receive close to 70% of the Searches & 90% of the Mobile Searches.

Here is a quick check list of DO's                    and                        Don'ts

Your website must be accessed by mobile                           Repeat content on pages
(use our "How Google Views Your Site")                          
Use the http/2   for a boost on Google                                   Forget to clear up re-directs  

Your mobile user requires more space
between lines to open up your links                                      Small print or strange fonts

Hire a SEO person with good references                              Website creators do not                                                                                                                     always know how to do SEO 

One submit to Google or get dinged                                     Do not overly submit a web
 Their spiders come through 1 or 2 times a month            address - considered spam 

Your page Titles with marketing city/region                        Don't use general terms, be
included gains better visibility                                                Specific in page titles.

Google has begun REMOVING websites corrupted with Virus and SQL injections.

Information from..........Join In The Conversation at LocalSEOexpertsBiz.blogspot.com

Enjoy the tools & info on our website:  LocalSEOexperts.biz

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

TIPS on Hiring A Local Marketing Agency For Cosmetic Surgeons, Attorneys & Wedding Professionals

You are searching for a Marketing Company.  One has social media, one has Search Engine Optimization SEO. We are being educated in the fact that they are ALL an
                                            Important Part of Marketing Your Business
Most searches or connections come from good referrals, a search in the web, someone you may bump into at a networking event, but seldom anymore do we find a complete marketing company that can take care of Social Media, Search Engine Optimization, Reputation Building and not find ourselves OVER-spending - either by hiring someone who really does nothing but has decided to hang their shingle out as a guru in marketing.  

 I recently worked with a client who said, "This marketing agency we hired never told me how to improve things, or what was wrong and why we were not getting anywhere on the web.  We paid them thousands of dollars - for what?"  The question here is... what were you expecting to have happen?  Did you want first or second page Google?, Did you want results within a week, six months, etc.  It helps to be clear in the interview of what your EXPECTATIONS and you should receive a monthly report.......The best question is - can they deliver?  With Google making a hundred changes in their algorithms daily, keeping up is hard to do.  It does take a professional.
While each business, church, service and profession has created a very nice website today, most lack VISIBILITY on Google, Mobile or other search engines and Social Networks.  It is very time consuming to keep up with everything that ads up to strong MARKETING tatics. 

Sadly, Again it moves the Corporate Giants into our eyes FIRST and then by the fifth page of the search engine - the small business website begins to gain some visibility.  There again is the RUB.  Without clicks into your website - the search engines announced - they will ignore you.... pushing you lower on the searches.  

Complexity, Time Consuming Work, Ever changing Search Engine Rules are all part of moving the giants IN to gain more money.  In order to gain your share, consider giving us a call
to discuss what is happening for your business website.  LocalSEOexperts.biz.  
                              We are very thankful we have found "some of the answers".  

   We Wish You A Happy Thanksgiving

     Local SEO Experts

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Marketing A Business, Attorney Practice, Cosmetic Surgeon, Restaurant and Hotel

I am certain you think this is a strange Photo for a discussion on MARKETING Your Business  IT IS,,, but here to prove a point in November 2015. 

Marketing Your Business IS Like (Akin) To Planting Bulbs.  
The Think Ahead Process demands you make your plans, and do the work several months in advance to experience good results!

#1.  You have to put on your gloves - to get through the quagmire of dirt to the right level for maximum results.
#2.  It helps to have the perfect tools, but often a nice small hand tool will do. You waste time if you dig with a table spoon.
#3.  You have to immerse yourself - in the soil of good solutions with no rocks to inhibit the bulb's success in coming through the soil. 
#4.  You have to plant the blub... sitting it in the correct direction for growth and flowering! 
#5.  What's missing?  Sunshine, water and time.

So, if you know you have to learn a little, get dirty a little, take your precious time to learn how to grow blubs.....then WHY does marketing your business seem so hard to do?  We know the rules have changed a LOT lately, but you can still ... build your business  with your integrity,  your determination, and your amazing skills. Marketing is the water and sunshine that makes it GROW!  If you don't take the time or know your best methods to market your business - then it will not grow.  
             We Know How - and we look forward to seeing your business blossom! 
LocalSEOexperts.biz offers many marketing services and solutions to the constantly changing horizon of marketing.  The TIME to plant your marketing bulbs for next year is NOW...  You want to be on first two pages Google - Need help with marketing concerns.   give us a call. 707-539-3585, 800-233-3850

Want advice.... join in our conversation on LocalSEOexpertsBiz.blogspot.com

Copyright 11-2015, JR Publications, Santa Rosa, Ca.  707-539-3585, 800-233-3850  JR@LocalSEOexperts.biz

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Does Your Website Still Show First Page in Google's Local Results As People Search The WEB from San Francisco to Las Vegas ?

Keeping Your Visibility on Google is becoming tougher - not easier.... New requirements outlined below indicate they are moving their search outcome to THREE businesses - not SIX as before.  Our illustration below is a good indicator they are getting around to these over the months.  Please read how their selections are being made ... below:  we searched    "iron fabrication, Santa Rosa, Ca" for this one...

Kauth Brothers is a LocalSEOExperts.biz client.  Read his review on our website.

Google states that many webmasters leave their sites vulnerable to such attacks, whereby the many hackers are able to inject spam content – such as adverts for illegal pharmaceuticals - or to send traffic to low quality sites. 

Google is now ‘aggressively targeting hacked and spammed websites’ to protect search engine users from carrying this on into their websites and e-mails.  The hope is to provide a setting where webmasters put spammers and cyber criminals out of business. Google research shows that no one type of site is targeted. Many legitimate sites unknowingly fall victim to hacked content include small business sites, universities and even government sites.  From SQL injections to website take-overs are happening daily.  

To prevent or stop, it is suggested every website owner:

  • Changes to stronger entry and log in phrases - not pertaining to your actual web name.
  • Reviews the website backdoor and meta tags for spam or code that does not belong on a monthly basis - these codes hook themselves into every area of the site and daily reload.  It takes an expert to remove this.
  • Takes measures to make certain your business name is properly entered into the Google Places with map, address, phone and web addresses. 
  • We have recommendations for Google Placement service, for content writing and Social Media Positioning. 
  • Make certain your website is mobile phone friendly.
We would appreciate your input on this subject. Please send to ...
JR@localSEOexperts.biz or post to our blog.  Thank you

Copyright, October 2015, JR Publications, Santa Rosa, Ca. 

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Marketing A Business, Law Practice, Surgeon or Wedding Business Takes A Variety Of Marketing Services

HEY everybody my business is over here..... See me !  Look at what we have to offer.  Yes, we are better than someone like us...
Ever feel like you are talking in the wind???   Well, the wind has changed a bit over the past five years in the game of marketing  solutions for your business.  It takes several strong methods. It used to be a store front and drive by traffic, soon changed to phone book, radio and TV, and now it is web and mobile access to your information.  The sandbox is getting bigger!!!

Think about where you are spending your funds.... Well spent - should give you ROI, "return on investment".  No business can afford to miss any business, and this is often where a business can fail.  Marketing is the other half of a teeter-totter !!!  When one side out weighs the other in a business - things get out of balance. 

So lets go over some of the great methods available to help keep the balance:

  1. Signage: you car, your store front, a billboard, your business cards, brochures, and your webpage.
  2. Meeting People:  networking, memberships, conventions and trade shows.
  3. Cold Calling:  dropping in on a business to generate a relationship and gain a sale.
  4. Get On Recommendation Lists:  Organizations, other businesses and linking your website
  5. Be The Expert: write a book, go on a speaking tour.
  6. Lead Action: e-mailing, calling, leaving messages.
  7. First Page Google and Social Media:   Pricey and takes a wealth of knowledge

The last one (Lucky 7) is where people look first...even if they have a recommendation or find you on a list.  They do look up your website and more often a Google a search query on a subject. Do they look beyond page two or three on a search engine? - Sorry, on the average they do not.  Do they try to find you on their mobile phone.  YES, more and more is done on a cell phone daily.  Google states over 63% of their visits are from mobile phones.

            So if you are not prepared for the 7th on the list, the rest flies out the window.
The viewpoint of the modern shopper is - you are not modern enough to gain their business.

If you would like to comment on your success rates with specific marketing, we would love to have your input on our blog.  If you have questions, please call ...
707-539-3585 or e-mail us at JR@localSEOexperts.biz   Of course, Our blog is available on your mobile phone!!!  

Learn more about our Services on LocalSEOexperts.biz  We provide many marketing and SEO services, and offer a free marketing consultation,  
Please Read our Growing Number of Reviews.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Connecting Social Media of Facebook, Linked-In, Pinterest, Blogs & Twitter On Your Website

What is so important about SOCIAL MEDIA ????  Why does Google look at this ....as a PLUS. Those seeking natural, organic search engine optimization.

Image result for group logos of facebook, twitter, linkedin

Surprise!  These are really an important part of what the Google search engine spiders look for as they review your website.  Those links, plus the amount of traffic, likes and members you have adds up to more traffic.  They surprise us all by their criteria...

Most business owners have no time to evolve this type of marketing technique. It takes hours of content writing, photo posting and it is very difficult to find those who will do it from your hired. Wanted to share some tips on quick methods to create a pathway to make it all happen.

#1. Linked In:  If you are in business, you will want to have a profile completed in Linked-In.  This can be written wrong or right.  Your business motto and links to your websites and blogs are emphasized, yet, laying out all your services, may not be the best idea.  nor every detail of what you sell or do will be in your best interest.  Use a specific e-mail address when you set this up.
#2.  Join some groups and add them to your que, so that when you update your profile, they are notified.
#3.  Add the logo and linked-in address to your website(s).
#4.  Check in to your page once a week - and respond to messages, ask for recommendations from those who know you on Linked-In and give recommendations to those you trust.
5.  Each time search for new groups to join....and get back to those who contact you.

We'll cover some tips on Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter in the following entries.

Learn more about our Marketing Solutions Business on LocalSEOexperts.biz


Monday, August 17, 2015

Changes In Google Algorithms Keeps SEO Experts Busy in Sonoma, San Francisco & Bay Area

               White Hat Methods are a MUST For Google Search Engine Optimization.

We learned recently that Google makes 300 to 500 unannounced changes to their Google Search Engine yearly.  Any company with skills in SEO Management must quickly learn how to maneuver through the changes and find methods to move through and not break Google Rules in the process.  The SEO expert must be willing to accept change, not fight it and anticipate there will be more. 

To not feel overwhelmed by the changes, a website owner can:

  1. Hire a Techy who understands the systems and responds quickly to changes.
  2. Hire a content writer for your website - newest Google changes.
  3. Understand there are very few SEO services that will not have your website moving back and forth for your specified key-search-terms between first and third pages.  Keep Your Cool...Other Businesses are doing what you are doing!
  4. Outline your goals with the SEO expert.  Do you want more hits, longer visits, just see your website on first page Google, Do you want Leads from who enters the website. (there are white hat methods that can help gain good leads). Improve your conversion and call rates.....or maybe you just want to see your webpage on the first or second page.
  5. Your home page text (content) must reflect your key-search-terms and be what the end user is looking for as they search the web.  
  6. Your website MUST be mobile ready and readable on a phone screen.  Too small, to faded, will not do it and your website will begin heading down in the searches. So take the advice of the SEO expert.  They are not there to make your life miserable, their desire is to become part of your business team and bring you increased business with high web visibility.
  7. Understand, even if you purchased Google AD words and your website does not show up on a Mobile Phone users screen, they will go away without your valuable information.  Ya gotta keep up with the times!
Ready for positive changes from your website?  LocalSEOexperts.biz
Rent your first page space - on Google.  Yes, we also have that exclusive service. 

#first page Google visibility
#content writers for websites


Saturday, July 25, 2015

Five Tips on SEO Content Writing - Increased Algorithm Demands For Search Engine Optimization

You have to be kidding us! - Google wants us to be expert website content writers - Whhhhhhhhh ?  Isn't that up to my website developer or designer? Maybe, but you are very lucky if your designer is a good writer with proper English and grammar structure.

Yes, the algorithm changes are all about CONTENT.  This means you cannot put three or four meaningful lines and a bunch of photos on the home page of your website and expect it to pick up well by those sweet little spiders move through.... and yes, those spiders also record your terminology, and acknowledge changes on content.  

WHY - because Google wants improvement on searches. Somehow they have missed the boat - when the only things that come up are Yelp, Wikipedia and the yellow pages.

Before you implode... Please remember LocalSEOexperts.biz offers content writing as one of their marketing services.  For those who want insight to effective writing for these changes, I offer five strong content writing tips.

#1.  Take a good look at your key-search-words.  Use them in your sentence structure. Please do not OVER use them. 
#2.  Plan to write more than one paragraph.  They are looking for more that 500 words on your home page.  Take a look at the WeddingLinks.co home page to understand you do not have to place them in the immediate vision of the user. We know how users enjoy a website - and that is not by reading through a pile of content.  You do not want the user to leave your website - if there is too much content. 
#3. Encapsulate the overall thought in the first paragraph and then break it out - expanding on the thoughts with links to various parts of interest in your website where the user can travel to quickly from the paragraphs.  You want to write UNIQUE & RELEVANT content regarding your category. 
#4. Always proof and re-read several times. Ask a friend or associate to review for making sense, making a point, delivering your message clearly.  
#5. Our spell checks do not always pick up double words or words that mean the same, but are spelled similarly.  English is a tough language!!  

Reading all these new signs - destroys many of the guidelines we have followed for years.

a. your website is your online brochure
b. brochures are designed with few words and clean space
c. photos are worth a thousand words

JOIN in the conversation!!
All I can say is ... what's next?

Tired of the mess - let LocalSEOexperts move you to first page Google without AD words or pay for click.  Healthy, organic, white hat methods is what we provide for success. 

Need a good website designer with great English Skills, e-Mail:  JR@localSEOexperts.biz


Monday, July 13, 2015

Tips On Branding A Business With Press Releases For Search Engine Optimization

Marketing your brand name and gaining recognition from the general public is completed in multiple methods.
Yes, your search engine optimization is affected by press releases that are pickup with your name. You can also put a link in your website to the press release in an online newspaper.  True, you will need to consider if your news is important for local, and/or a national or an international story.

Press release are another great tool that adds to your visibility.  So my clients ask, " What is so newsy that anyone would would to know about it. "  Truly the media will not pick up your name unless it is a strong story or local influence.  Lets learn something about this from the Republican Party, presently in the news daily....  They know only one of them will make it into the finals, but the fact the word "Republican Party" is repeated over and over is the branding they seek.

Think about the various times a year - the press release can be effective.

  • grand opening of your business
  • store remodeling
  • the business moves or opens more branches
  • you have a new high profile/talented employee
  • you add a very popular product line to the store
  • the shop or restaurant is try a new food or product
  • unique free holiday specials for the general public
  • you are bringing in a speaker or the inventor
  • coming out with a newsletter or blog
  • write an brief article on why a particular product has found its place in society and send attached.
  • (always quote your resources)
I found the TIPs from this additional blog was a good read - hope you like this link.  They cover the details of completing your press release.

When 80% of the population has a smart phone and 63% of Google users access through a smart phone or I-pad, then  your press release receives increased viewing from every spectrum.  All press releases should contain your website address for more information.  Your website needs to be mobile friendly and easily opened from these digital devices.

Love to have your input....

Judith Rivers-Moore, LocalSEOexperts.biz    WeddingLinks.co     HoneymoonLinks.co  and...
                                      "Best Style California Wedding & Honeymoon" digital magazine
                                                  Santa Rosa, California   707-539-3585

Monday, July 6, 2015

Is A Website's Easy Navigation, or Call To Action Important To A Los Angeles, San Francisco or Las Vegas Business?

LocalSEOexperts.biz offer Search Engine Optimization services on a monthly fee basis, and we also provide a permanent first page Google First Page for many cities and categories for all types of businesses.
                                                       707-539-3585 & 800-233-3850

Do people (web users) get to your web page and find it easy to Navigate?  Google bots will ding you if they do not think your home page gives adequate directions to your key-search terms.  Do people who visit your web page - go around in Circles - of where am I ?? What am I supposed to do here? The ultimate question of WHERE is it??  Why did this page appear for my key search?

  • Understand your page subtitles can relate to your key-search terms. 
  • Adding the key-search-terms to well written content on your home page will be invaluable in your web results. 
  • While you do not want to over-stuff your content with key-search terms, it is vital you use them.  
  • You may also want to caption a graphic or a photo with a key-search-term.

Decide if you want your call to action to be: calling you, giving you a lead, buying something, or introducing you to the product or planning something from your website.....your call o action must reflect this in a non-intrusive but easy to find method on your website.  Two strong rules evolve here.  phone numbers or contact in the guidance bars, understand the mid upper right side is often where the eye goes quickly on a website.
So many websites have very creative openings that stop smart phones from opening their page. So considering over 65% of Google users are accessing through smart phones, the question is? - Do you really want to stop them from entering your website or accessing your information.

When you are tired of all the hodge-podge in website visibility on search engines. Give JR Moore a call at 707-539-3585 for a quote on monthly services.

#seo services
#search engine optimization
#website content

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

How Important Is Content To Your Search Engine Optimization

                           The Question of Website Content Continues For Google Ranking
                                    There is no mystery here, they have laid it out for you.  
                            But - it is always the big "but, yet, may we qualify that", or - or - or!
    It is still a matter of opinion!!! So dust your keyboard off. Your best is yet to come!

Since Google Hummingbird came out, the Home Page Content has become more and more important. There are some tricks here.  Some of these can make or break your home page as the search spiders come through.  While content is very important - too much content can chase your website user away.  They love photos and explicit, descriptive language, so this can be a double edged sword. You want them to stay and have their questions answered or call them to action, and motivate/move them into another section of the website where your usefulness begins.

What works best:  Title and sub-title reflect specific key-search-terms you want to come up for. These can also reflect your marketing area name(s).

Content: Reflects/repeats your title and meta-tag description.

  • Everything from 500 to 800 words in correct grammar and proofed for spelling.
  • Use your website title and sub-title words in your content paragraphs.
  • Use your key-search-terms in your content writing.
  • Anchor your photos and/or video with a key-search-term from your meta-tags. 
  • Anchor a few links to other parts/pages of your website.
  • No keyword stuffing - repeating a key-search-term to often lowers your ranking!  
  • Proof your content for over use of your key-search terms.
  • Ask a third or fourth person to read the home page and give you a critique.
  • Every quarter of the year, change to some degree, your home page content, photos, videos, links.
  • Web page titles can be changed with no penalty, but content should reflect the change.

                   If you are tired of all this, JR Publications provides serious 
                                  Search Engine Optimization Services
                           LocalSEOexperts.biz   707-539-3585, 800-233-3850

#search engine optimization
#content writing

Friday, June 19, 2015

SEO Experts Tell Us - Website Titles Are Important To Your Meta Tags & Marketing Regions

     I took a great class in creative writing one semester. The Teacher had us do a routine occasionally during the term on brainstorming Titles for stories or books.  She would give us a sentence or category and let us write down as many "perfect English titles"  or  quirky, eye catcing titles",  and titles "that asked questions".

Her attitude on sale of an article or book had a great deal to do with the title and the jacket design.
                                      She was so right ... & Google Has Picked Up Her Attitude.

Who would believe this would be important to a website today? - Yet it is - VITAL

1. Sometimes the title of your website will appear above with the cursor laying over, and sometimes at the base of your screen. But Google always sees it and includes it in the search profile.
2. This Title and your description can be changed to be current, location specific, with your best  key-words in a sentence formula.
3. Use some of your key-search-terms in your title.

So lets take a look at this.  Sometimes I find websites with {their business name and welcome} in the title.  Sorry that will generally not bring them traffic.  Look at the difference between these two Titles.  It keys the area for the search engines to pick it up - and works better when those key-terms are in the content of your web pages.

SF is being used below for quick writing  - do not use abbreviations on a general basis - spell it out.

a.  San Francisco Wedding & Event Planner
(analysis)  They will come up for San Francisco wedding, SF wedding planner,  SF event planner, and of course the title as it is.

b.  Same Day & Full Service Wedding & Event Planner For The San Francisco Bay Area 
(analysis)  They will come up for San Francisco same day wedding, same day wedding planner, SF wedding planner, SF same day wedding planner, SF event planner, Bay Area wedding planner, Bay Area same day wedding planner, full service wedding planner, full service event planner -

see what I mean, it is in the Title.

Require more info - please e-mail me and ... comment or add info to our blog.

Blog by Judith Rivers-Moore, JRPublications, Santa Rosa, Ca. LocalSEOexperts.biz  707-539-3585


Saturday, June 13, 2015

Digital Magazine Advertising for Wedding Venues, Vendors & Travel Business in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Sacramento & Chico to San Diego

If you haven't noticed the major magazines, newspapers and periodicals are moving toward digital styled magazine and e-book publishing visibility.  So why would this be important to  a San Francisco Bay Area or Los Angeles wedding venues to do their wedding advertising in a e-magazine or digital magazine?

Because marketing is rapidly moving over to views on  smart phones and I-pads.  Women and men planning every thing in the wedding, or their honeymoon travel are working from a different platform that five years ago.                                                       "Read the statistics below"

From Chico to San Diego and nationwide to New York City ... couples seek digital access to magazines, e-books and advertisers that look at the growing statistics quickly understand this is a STRONG marketing tool.  They have cracked the NUT on marketing with a well done digital magazine AD and mobile friendly website........When a business wants to market a wedding business, a wedding service, and local or destination travel business, this saves money and effort to move a client toward your website?

Example:  print style magazine ad - prospect has to move to their pc or smart phone to access the website.
                digital style magazine ad - prospect clicks directly through to advertiser's website.

Businesses aim for "success strategy" that gives a prospect immediate entry into their website.
In a nut-shell......... Digital Magazines Give You .... DIRECT Link Visibility.  

Brides-To-Be often purchase over a hundred dollars in magazines/books to prepare 
and receive over 20 publications free.
Even With A Referral, the Brides-To-Be often needs to see the name up to seven times prior to going to the website.  The digital-magazine cuts this statistic down because of the ease of access.

Preview Our "Best Style California Wedding  & Honeymoon"  digital Magazine to see how it goes directly to the advertisers website and to our global wedding planning portals at the base of each page.         

YES, use of the smart phone, magazines, APPS capability, I-Pads and our amazing lap tops have moved us in to this Digital Marketing Realm Quickly.  Marketing often evolves over a hundred years or more, but this has happened to us in just TEN years.  

As the magazine user clicks through the pages, enjoys the photos and reads the content, you will find each advertiser is given a solid LINK to their website - right from the AD page.   No moving the prospect from a print ad to their pc.  It is a direct link.
Awesome Product for the advertisers.  Learn more about pricing & statistics at JRPublicationsInc.co

The digital magazine  growth rate and statistics are staggering for the digital magazines.

PWC.com Reports:
Globally, total magazine revenue will resume growth in 2015. In 2015, the magazine publishing industry will reverse years of decline to record 0.2% year-on-year growth as overall digital gains outweigh falling print revenue. In 2018, total magazine revenue will reach US$98.1bn, up from US$97.1bn in 2013. (bn is billion).

While digital consumer magazine circulation revenue will see the fastest growth... Global digital consumer magazine circulation revenue will rise at a 31.2% CAGR, reaching US$5.7bn in 2018. As companies see more success in turning digital magazine consumption from free-of-charge websites to paid-for digital editions, digital will move from accounting for 4% of total consumer magazine circulation revenue in 2013 to 14% in 2018.

...Digital consumer magazine advertising revenue is much larger. Global digital consumer magazine advertising revenue will be US$12.4bn in 2018, rising at a 17.6% CAGR. This compares to a decline of -3.9% CAGR for consumer magazine print advertising revenue. Currently advertising is centred on magazine websites, but, as digital circulations increase, electronic editions will become increasingly popular for advertisers.

Read In-depth Marketing at Magazine.org

Advertisers receive a free link package with their ADs in "Best Style Califrornia
Wedding & Honeymoon" e-Magazine 
at WeddingLinks.co 

#wedding advertising
#best advertising for wedding business
#advertise wedding venue
