Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Google Is Catching Up To Non-Mobile Friendly Websites & They Are Losing Rankings & Google MAP Positions

       Here we are - perfectly content business people with our websites in jeopardy again!!
Bad enough we deal with SQL injections, Virus and Malware corruption - now we deal with the money mongering Google Guys asking us to complete a Mobile Friendly Website by April 21, 2015. While my website have these, many businesses do not.

Test Your Website's Mobile Friendly on Google's Tool


With the additional flourish of......... "According to Google Guidelines on Mobile Friendly Websites."
You may have mobile website access. But does it meet Google's Criteria?? Use the tester.

Most of the criteria is easy to meet - according to their blog.  You can find out more from our
LocalSEOexperts.biz website.  We offer videos and Tips on meeting their criteria.

We realize the push is to help them gain more AD word clients and increase their bid war prices on specific key-search terms/regions/cities.  Yet - your funds may be going for competition for specific key-search/cities or regions with hundreds more coming aboard - squeezing you to 3rd or 5th page visbility.

You and I know that some of us have SEO, but unless you have Google criteria met - that particular company you work with may not be able to help you anymore. Your dollars spent there are out the door.

We realize many of you are highly visible by history and time on the web - already in the first and second page environment because you've been around for a long time.

We have choices:  Purchase Ad words - Find SEO that adapts to Google Changes - Move our ad dollars and visibility to other search engines.

Author, JR Moore, JR Publications, 707-539-3585, 800-233-3850  www.LocalSEOexperts.biz



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