Friday, June 19, 2015

SEO Experts Tell Us - Website Titles Are Important To Your Meta Tags & Marketing Regions

     I took a great class in creative writing one semester. The Teacher had us do a routine occasionally during the term on brainstorming Titles for stories or books.  She would give us a sentence or category and let us write down as many "perfect English titles"  or  quirky, eye catcing titles",  and titles "that asked questions".

Her attitude on sale of an article or book had a great deal to do with the title and the jacket design.
                                      She was so right ... & Google Has Picked Up Her Attitude.

Who would believe this would be important to a website today? - Yet it is - VITAL

1. Sometimes the title of your website will appear above with the cursor laying over, and sometimes at the base of your screen. But Google always sees it and includes it in the search profile.
2. This Title and your description can be changed to be current, location specific, with your best  key-words in a sentence formula.
3. Use some of your key-search-terms in your title.

So lets take a look at this.  Sometimes I find websites with {their business name and welcome} in the title.  Sorry that will generally not bring them traffic.  Look at the difference between these two Titles.  It keys the area for the search engines to pick it up - and works better when those key-terms are in the content of your web pages.

SF is being used below for quick writing  - do not use abbreviations on a general basis - spell it out.

a.  San Francisco Wedding & Event Planner
(analysis)  They will come up for San Francisco wedding, SF wedding planner,  SF event planner, and of course the title as it is.

b.  Same Day & Full Service Wedding & Event Planner For The San Francisco Bay Area 
(analysis)  They will come up for San Francisco same day wedding, same day wedding planner, SF wedding planner, SF same day wedding planner, SF event planner, Bay Area wedding planner, Bay Area same day wedding planner, full service wedding planner, full service event planner -

see what I mean, it is in the Title.

Require more info - please e-mail me and ... comment or add info to our blog.

Blog by Judith Rivers-Moore, JRPublications, Santa Rosa, Ca.  707-539-3585


Saturday, June 13, 2015

Digital Magazine Advertising for Wedding Venues, Vendors & Travel Business in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Sacramento & Chico to San Diego

If you haven't noticed the major magazines, newspapers and periodicals are moving toward digital styled magazine and e-book publishing visibility.  So why would this be important to  a San Francisco Bay Area or Los Angeles wedding venues to do their wedding advertising in a e-magazine or digital magazine?

Because marketing is rapidly moving over to views on  smart phones and I-pads.  Women and men planning every thing in the wedding, or their honeymoon travel are working from a different platform that five years ago.                                                       "Read the statistics below"

From Chico to San Diego and nationwide to New York City ... couples seek digital access to magazines, e-books and advertisers that look at the growing statistics quickly understand this is a STRONG marketing tool.  They have cracked the NUT on marketing with a well done digital magazine AD and mobile friendly website........When a business wants to market a wedding business, a wedding service, and local or destination travel business, this saves money and effort to move a client toward your website?

Example:  print style magazine ad - prospect has to move to their pc or smart phone to access the website.
                digital style magazine ad - prospect clicks directly through to advertiser's website.

Businesses aim for "success strategy" that gives a prospect immediate entry into their website.
In a nut-shell......... Digital Magazines Give You .... DIRECT Link Visibility.  

Brides-To-Be often purchase over a hundred dollars in magazines/books to prepare 
and receive over 20 publications free.
Even With A Referral, the Brides-To-Be often needs to see the name up to seven times prior to going to the website.  The digital-magazine cuts this statistic down because of the ease of access.

Preview Our "Best Style California Wedding  & Honeymoon"  digital Magazine to see how it goes directly to the advertisers website and to our global wedding planning portals at the base of each page.         

YES, use of the smart phone, magazines, APPS capability, I-Pads and our amazing lap tops have moved us in to this Digital Marketing Realm Quickly.  Marketing often evolves over a hundred years or more, but this has happened to us in just TEN years.  

As the magazine user clicks through the pages, enjoys the photos and reads the content, you will find each advertiser is given a solid LINK to their website - right from the AD page.   No moving the prospect from a print ad to their pc.  It is a direct link.
Awesome Product for the advertisers.  Learn more about pricing & statistics at

The digital magazine  growth rate and statistics are staggering for the digital magazines. Reports:
Globally, total magazine revenue will resume growth in 2015. In 2015, the magazine publishing industry will reverse years of decline to record 0.2% year-on-year growth as overall digital gains outweigh falling print revenue. In 2018, total magazine revenue will reach US$98.1bn, up from US$97.1bn in 2013. (bn is billion).

While digital consumer magazine circulation revenue will see the fastest growth... Global digital consumer magazine circulation revenue will rise at a 31.2% CAGR, reaching US$5.7bn in 2018. As companies see more success in turning digital magazine consumption from free-of-charge websites to paid-for digital editions, digital will move from accounting for 4% of total consumer magazine circulation revenue in 2013 to 14% in 2018.

...Digital consumer magazine advertising revenue is much larger. Global digital consumer magazine advertising revenue will be US$12.4bn in 2018, rising at a 17.6% CAGR. This compares to a decline of -3.9% CAGR for consumer magazine print advertising revenue. Currently advertising is centred on magazine websites, but, as digital circulations increase, electronic editions will become increasingly popular for advertisers.

Read In-depth Marketing at

Advertisers receive a free link package with their ADs in "Best Style Califrornia
Wedding & Honeymoon" e-Magazine 

#wedding advertising
#best advertising for wedding business
#advertise wedding venue


Friday, June 12, 2015

How Often Should I Submit A Website To The Search Engines

                There Is A Process and Website Submission Frequency is Part of Staying On Top
                                               And Not Being Slapped By Google

Yes, you have spoken to experts that believe you should be submitting your website once a month or every two weeks.  Google (which gives the highest volume traffic on the internet), offers a once a month recommendation.  We suggest you enter your website to a variety of search engines:
  • Articles on the web - yes, content is still king.
  • Various search engines - there are hundreds - find a free submit for over 100 and submit twice a year after you have content change or have added a video. 
  • Add your company to YELP - its free and gain positive Yelp reviews.
  • Your website must have Mobile Friendly access - once the searches go through for a 2nd or 3rd time and find you have not accommodated this factor, you will find yourself at the bottom of the tenth page. 
  • Your sub-page addresses are important to submit. Local SEO Experts offers this service. We also can submit your Pinterest board addresses, your YouTube and sub page website addresses and your blog address.      
There are several tricks to SEO:

1. Many companies do all their SEO submits on the same days, the 1st or the 15th of a month. likes to stagger these dates because they realize these are a huge number of submissions after one category/service results.  How could they possibly all appear on the top 2 pages. We find our clients often above the paid AD word accounts.

2.  Some clients have no willingness to ask their techy - nor do it themselves - to correct a title or description on their website after the suggestions are made.  We still see some websites with "Welcome" in the title. Those companies do not realize that is key and VITAL to google search.  SEO take team work between the client, their techy and the SEO company. 

3. Inferior link building is a waste of time.  Those link backs need to be PR 4, 5 or 6 to do anything.

4. Linked Social Media on your website, and a Facebook account for your business is important.

Trust this info is an assist in your efforts on the WEB,

Judith Rivers-Moore, CEO,,, and 
                               "Best Style California Wedding & Honeymoon" Digital Magazine
                 800-233-3850,  707-539-3585,  707-546-1623,

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Marketing That FITS Your Personality - Person To Person, Texting, Internet SEO, Video, Skype Meetings

Fits my personality?  Why is that important? Because I often see people trying a variety of marketing solutions to finally find their “perfect fit”.  The old adage, “know thyself” works well in setting up your marketing systems and for that matter – any part of your business.  If there is a part of your business you really struggle with, then find someone who excels in it and pay them or negotiate a trade for something ...  you can do for them.

Fits My Budget - What Budget - Isn't Marketing Free - 

Most Business People Understand
 This Takes Experts ... And They Are Not Free.  

But It is on the WEB ... Why IS IT NOT FREE?????

IS Your Business Service FREE?? - Get Real !!

 So lets example a few things I hear about WHAT FITS The Business Persons Personality.... 


“I get Leads and don’t follow up on them.” Get an e-mail system set up to send your info out at least 5-7 times over a space of 6 months, or hire someone to make calls in the evening for you to reach those leads.  Create a script.....When you call and find an answer machine - be certain to tell them you sent them an e-mail and your website address. (don't waste that call)   Respect for what it took to get that lead for you... and how much that lead brings into your business. Even three leads paying off per year makes a difference to your business bookings.
  • Some leads are priced at $50. to $500 – per lead.
  • Find permission-based leads with current e-mail, phone and if you want...a mailing address
  • You want proven e-mail addresses - some of the list merchants do not check the e- address.  JRPublications does.
 “I have a newly revised and improved website.”  Yes! But where is it showing up on the search engines, what popular web environments are you linked to, and is anyone seeing where you just spent all your marketing dollars? No matter what type of business, JR can assist you on your Search Engine Optimization. 

“I do business trade shows and have problems connecting with the brides.”  It takes a huge amount of energy in preparation, funds and decor to have a booth at a trade show. Understand only 45% of the local brides attend a bridal show, and over 45% are newly announced. Understand where you fall in the “decision-making-process”. Sadly I see people just sitting at their booths and they never try to make eye contact with ladies in the aisles.  Stand up, heads up, smile, get attention, draw them into your booth.  There is a lot going on in a trade show – never assume they see you!! If you are too shy to do this – then find someone who enjoys it to assist you.

Photo by JR

“I do AD words on Google”  It works for some and not for others.  Many tech-savvy people begin their searches on page 2 or 3 of the links.  The price of AD words in the competitive market is rising quickly and Google has added hundreds on their sales teams. Everyone keeps repeating the mantra that “you must be on the first page of Google to gain web business”.
This is sooooo not true.  Even Google cannot promise first page viewing with so many sales on their Ad words.

“I link my website to only FREE web environments.”  Awesome, if you can find free at the top of the search engines - that do not eventually start asking for funds, good luck - also think about who can add their business right beside you - are they really safe for brides and grooms. People are finding these Add Your Website Free..... often have some very shady business people in them.

“We make appointments and visit with the venues and coordinators.”  This is a great marketing method... if you do it on an every six-month status. So often these people are changed and moved to other venues, and many now, are asking for referral fees.  Relationship building is A #1 method. 

Video Marketing of what our business a great marketing method - but who will see it if your website is on page 5 of Google or other a trade show, your video is shown in portion to maybe 200 to 500 people. Put it on your home page of the on your SEO - so many will see it.

“We do our own SEO” This is a challenge to stay current with over 265 changes just Google alone did last year. We understand they are now doing changes daily.  I commend you. With every new change, they dip into your web visibility and views.  JRPublications offers a new Search Engine Optimization service through     to bring businesses up in the Google searches. Best of all, it incorporates daily changes made by Search Engine owners. It works for websites, blogs, you tube and pinetrest links also. Quite affordable 707-539-3585 or 800-233-3850

#wedding business marketing
#best way to market wedding business
#what market works best for small business

Marketing TIPS for Businesses in Sacramento, Chico, Fresno, San Diego, Sonoma & The Bay Area

There Is More Than ONE MARKETING SOLUTION For Businesses Today.
by Judith Rivers-Moore -  &

Methods of marketing have changed drastically since 2005.  That is ten years of change, and we are talking BIG CHANGES.  While this blog is about the Basics today, check our website for our services.
                                     Small Businesses Are The Backbone of America

You've got it all down, The perfect brochure, the perfect business card, a website that shows you are in business, maybe some signage, and ... you have told friends and family.  These are nice, but do not help you survive. Those that do survive understand how important marketing is. The banks understands. They want you to have a complete marketing plan with your business plan - and it better be in depth for 3 to 5 years.

We suggest taking a half-day or full day a week and focus on your marketing plan.  Whether you are leading people to your doorstep as a restaurant would, or you are attempting to generate a call for interest in your service, your marketing is a MUST ...  Strong Businesses take 10% of the income for marketing.

i used to tell people during my Marketing Seminars; marketing is like being in a closet, in the dark with your business.  When you begin to shine a light on your business, people in the closet with you - notice you. When you become a marketer of your business, you open the door, so many people can see you in the light.

Get A Handle On Your Uniqueness In The Business World & WHO Wants Your Service
So today we examine what is in your closet with you & your service  - and who would require your service.
Take time to brainstorm wtih people - even a child can have a great idea on this:
1. Who needs your service and where do you find them - are they everybody, rich, well, household, finance?
2. What are your successful competitors doing to market themselves - copy them
3. Map out your finances and create a five year plan on free and paid things you can do to market
4. Go through your pain. Do the things you like to do in marketing and take on one more gut-wrenching area of marketing each month - or pay someone else to do it for you.
5. Understand you are seeking ATTENTION and Conviction that your service or business can do the job
6. Practice being able to say what you and your business does in 30 - to 50 seconds
7. Say this on your phone message and give them your website address.
8. Understand learning certain technical aspects of marketing can waste your time. Find someone to do it for you. Always remember you are in business to DO your business and do it well.

You need to cover these bases - every week:
1. Place your brochures and cards - in the right hands of your circle of influence - who can bring you work
2. Meet your prospect - determine the areas where you will find them, and be there
3. Find out the best methods for people to find you and implement - that is marketing
4. Move your website by SEO or Ad-words to the first or second page of Google - where most shop for services
5. Gain referrals by setting up your cross marketing with LIKE businesses

WHILE ALL OF THE ABOVE ARE VERY IMPORTANT - do not forget how your prospect is living life daily.  What do they reach for when beginning their search...........important to have your website showing up on Google Search Engine,  and smart phones.......... This is a SEO Google marketing demand today.

JR Publications,   Santa Rosa, CA 707-539-3585, 800-233-3850

"Best Style California Wedding & Honeymoon" e-Magazine,  Search Engine Optimization, Marketing

IDEAS For Advertising YOUR Business From San Francisco Bay Area to New York City

Do you recall the "good old days" when Marketing was just finding a visible location on the block, or placing a print ad in the newspaper or phone book....My 25 years of publishing has seen huge changes in the industry of marketing for any type of business.

Since the inception of the Internet and micro chips our lives have become a whirlwind of continuous marketing changes.....We see easier and less expensive methods to market our business and zany impractical search engine confusion for our internet visibility.

Years ago, and now....If you are in a small town, everyone knows where you are, but if you are in a major city, people must find you and understand what you do.  
This is why gaining good referrals, the internet search engines and popular cell phone access to the web have such an influence on our marketing efforts today.  The people with the most money to shop have "smart phones".

Even from a personal referral, people go to the web, look at your reviews and then decide to call you.
So if they are shopping for your service, you need to be in ALL those resources.  Build up your personal referrals, place your name out there as an expert and have a good web presence with SEO and most of all build up your reviews.  This is ALL Vital, and believe me, I am working on ours too.
Advice: When They Are Shopping & Do Not See Your Name For The Product or Service - They Go On ... To The One(s) They See First.

TIP ... Your priority in marketing is to know the patterns of the person you sell to - why they would use your product, head to your store, what words, trigger the invitation into reviewing your business or opening your website.  What are the best methods to market and draw this person toward you - for the amount of funds you have to spend.

Understand 93% of the people shop first - on the internet for product information and then look for local people to answer their needs.  This could be a steel company, a dentist, a wedding photographer. No matter the business, it often begins with the web or a smart phone.  Needless to say the power of the internet showed me first hand how my could sit on top of millions of links in various cities throughout the USA. It did not happen over months and years, it happened overnight. 

If you want to know more about our SEO, give us a call at 707-539-3585 or 800-233-3850.
70,000,000 searches on the INTERNET a MONTH 
are completed on Smart Phones

Love you input - so give us your questions & ideas on today's changes in marketing and how they: 
___serve you well
___ take up your time
___too complicated
___too expensive
___want quick solutions to
___don't relate to your customers
___can't seem to reach customers effectively

Private questions can go to

Check for Marketing Solutions and Search Engine Optimization for ALL Types of Businesses and the Wedding, Hospitality and Travel Industry on  

Product and Business Pinterest Board Marketing Diversifies Business Visibility on The WEB

Most businesses can be enriched with their own Pinterest Boards. Pinterest reflects through photographs creative and fun ideas plus great insight to a hobby, region, recipes, or products.   The Pinterest Business is evolving from a fun idea to a practical business marketing solution with several savvy ideas.

  • Others Re-Pinning Your Photos from your board expands your visibility
  • Cross marketing to Facebook and social media
  • *The Ability to SEO on Google in particular your board web address
  • Business Name Boards photo enhance your services
  • Their recent addition of RICH PINS
  • You can run a Contest on Pinterest by following their Rules on the Brand Guidelines Page.
While mine are wedding and honeymoon or bridal oriented, 
the photo boards can promote any creative idea or product.

What Is A Pinterest Rich Pin
On Pinterest, you may sign-up for this special rich pin to show under your photo. Here you may state the price and link it to your product page.  You do this in your back end of Pinterest Account on the Developers Page)  Use oEmbed or Semantic Markup.  ( or Oen Graph metatags.) Make certain to complete the validation by using the Rich Pins Validator and apply for your Rich Pins to be accepted and used on Pinterest.

Why Is The Rich Pin So Important
Shopify reported the purchases from the Pinterest compared to Facebook were double and the traffic was increased by 16%. Sephora found the Pinterest users spend 15 times more that Facebook users. Most important their users were up to 25 million in 2013 and their users where young females who love to shop.   This is a valid method to gain more customers.  

Running A Contest
Not just a giveaway, but a contest where they must RE-PIN your photo or Give you a Like on Facebook. Thus expanding your exposure with the Re-pin and Likes.

Reverse Your Thinking
Think about places you can place the RE-Pin or link to your Pinterest Boards.
Mobile Website
Regular Website
P.S. Be certain to set up your Pinterest Analytics to track your results.

* JR offer a marketing service for SEO on your Pinterest Board addresses, You Tubes, Blogs & Website Addresses. 707-539-3585 or 800-233-3850.
J.R. Publications, Santa Rosa, Ca. Celebrating our 25th year in publishing.

Tips on Gaining Top Google Visibility in San Francisco Bay Area to Los Angeles & California Wine Country to New York City

Is your TOOL BOX empty when it come to knowing how to set up your website design for success in the search engine game???

Understanding how to gain top web visibility through Search Engine Optimization today - has many throwing up their arms and generously giving money to the Google platform for first through third page results.  We follow all this and are enjoying great results for our clients with first page results over Google paid clients - even as the algorithms change.

If you are a "do it yourself person" or working with your techy on your website, some of these tips will come in very handy.
This is part 1 of 2 blog entries on     "What Google & Search Engines Look For"

Do you have a Google style XML site map posted on your website.  Learn about this at 

Take a good look at the title of your website or web pages you are submitting and the searches are picking up.  Don't put "Welcome" in this vital area.  Put your category/service/city/county and market reach
Yes, Chicago, North Shore Accountant is O.K.  But Chicago & North Shore Business Accountant With Tax Preparation Services  is better in the TITLE area. Be a little Assertive with this can be changed often. (take a look at my title on the blog - (is it possible my blog would come up in San Francisco, Bay Area, Chicago, New York  and Los Angeles for what google looks for in web page design.) ???  JR has a SEO service that brings the blog to first page & second page results for titles and key-search.

Does your website have a Mobile Friendly Presence? - This is the latest ding from Google. You MUST do this
orrrr end up under everyone else's results on the Google Search.  It will take them awhile to review each website, but do not be surprised if you find yourself on the bottom of the fifth page. ..... or so forth.

Is Your Content Relevant on your home page and contain many of your key-search-terms in the grammatically correct text. Google looks for 600 to 800 words on a home page. -Google chooses which content is relevant to the search query. The more relevant the content the better it will rank.

Do you have a video on your home page? Informative, 2 to 3 minutes - regarding your business subject and category. If you do not have your own video, use a subject oriented YouTube Video and give it credit (name and link to who created)

Who is The Authority Name - this should be in the value of the content. This is mostly dictated by the amount and type of links pointing to that content out on the web - write articles, create a BLOG - place them in articles websites.

Build Trust - how reliable the website is considered to be. Place your website on servers that offer great protection against virus and hackers. Don't make unfulfilled statements in your content.

Know what search terms are popular in your industry/category
Yes, I know Googles says Key-words are not important anymore, but they are!!! They must be placed in your home page and following page paragraphing. They can be 3 and 4 & 5 word phrases, and refer to how people search on the searches for items. Being found online by the right people is a lot easier if you know what they're searching for. Gain access to a free keyword tool. Remember you can change your TITLE and your DESCRIPTION - but not your key-words, so choose wisely. Also, place your meta tags under each page of your website.

Really think you will like this Video on building a Wordpress Website.

Blog by  Judith Rivers-Moore - CEO  

#google searches
#setting up a web page
#tips on best web visibility
