Since the inception of the Internet and micro chips our lives have become a whirlwind of continuous marketing changes.....We see easier and less expensive methods to market our business and zany impractical search engine confusion for our internet visibility.
Years ago, and now....If you are in a small town, everyone knows where you are, but if you are in a major city, people must find you and understand what you do. This is why gaining good referrals, the internet search engines and popular cell phone access to the web have such an influence on our marketing efforts today. The people with the most money to shop have "smart phones".
Even from a personal referral, people go to the web, look at your reviews and then decide to call you.
So if they are shopping for your service, you need to be in ALL those resources. Build up your personal referrals, place your name out there as an expert and have a good web presence with SEO and most of all build up your reviews. This is ALL Vital, and believe me, I am working on ours too.

TIP ... Your priority in marketing is to know the patterns of the person you sell to - why they would use your product, head to your store, what words, trigger the invitation into reviewing your business or opening your website. What are the best methods to market and draw this person toward you - for the amount of funds you have to spend.
Understand 93% of the people shop first - on the internet for product information and then look for local people to answer their needs. This could be a steel company, a dentist, a wedding photographer. No matter the business, it often begins with the web or a smart phone. Needless to say the power of the internet showed me first hand how my could sit on top of millions of links in various cities throughout the USA. It did not happen over months and years, it happened overnight.
If you want to know more about our SEO, give us a call at 707-539-3585 or 800-233-3850.
are completed on Smart Phones
Love you input - so give us your questions & ideas on today's changes in marketing and how they:
___serve you well
___ take up your time
___too complicated
___too expensive
___want quick solutions to
___don't relate to your customers
___can't seem to reach customers effectively
Private questions can go to
Check for Marketing Solutions and Search Engine Optimization for ALL Types of Businesses and the Wedding, Hospitality and Travel Industry on
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