Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Marketing A Business, Attorney Practice, Cosmetic Surgeon, Restaurant and Hotel

I am certain you think this is a strange Photo for a discussion on MARKETING Your Business  IT IS,,, but here to prove a point in November 2015. 

Marketing Your Business IS Like (Akin) To Planting Bulbs.  
The Think Ahead Process demands you make your plans, and do the work several months in advance to experience good results!

#1.  You have to put on your gloves - to get through the quagmire of dirt to the right level for maximum results.
#2.  It helps to have the perfect tools, but often a nice small hand tool will do. You waste time if you dig with a table spoon.
#3.  You have to immerse yourself - in the soil of good solutions with no rocks to inhibit the bulb's success in coming through the soil. 
#4.  You have to plant the blub... sitting it in the correct direction for growth and flowering! 
#5.  What's missing?  Sunshine, water and time.

So, if you know you have to learn a little, get dirty a little, take your precious time to learn how to grow blubs.....then WHY does marketing your business seem so hard to do?  We know the rules have changed a LOT lately, but you can still ... build your business  with your integrity,  your determination, and your amazing skills. Marketing is the water and sunshine that makes it GROW!  If you don't take the time or know your best methods to market your business - then it will not grow.  
             We Know How - and we look forward to seeing your business blossom! offers many marketing services and solutions to the constantly changing horizon of marketing.  The TIME to plant your marketing bulbs for next year is NOW...  You want to be on first two pages Google - Need help with marketing concerns.   give us a call. 707-539-3585, 800-233-3850

Want advice.... join in our conversation on

Copyright 11-2015, JR Publications, Santa Rosa, Ca.  707-539-3585, 800-233-3850

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